
Jan. 23, 2025

IPB167 - Crossing the 50% IPv6 Adoption Threshold

Well! New year, new podcast. I’ve been fortunate enough to move from “most frequent guest” to full-on co-host of IPv6Buzz, and I am pretty freakin’ stoked if I am being completely honest! We’re out of the gate with a bang, too. This first podcast of 2025 (and first with me as a co-host) is diving right in with some bold predictions: IPv6 adoption should cross 50% in 2025. We discuss the implications and significance of IPv6 adoption reaching this milestone.

Jan. 17, 2025

Defining IPv6 operating modes

Since IPv6 is gaining momentum, and is generally operating alongside other protocols, it has become important to define the operating modes that may exist in any IPv6 environment. This allows for consistent communication and understanding of a fundamental part of operating a production network. Most of this hard work has been done by the IETF, and 99% of those definitions as can be referenced by engineers and architects when creating designs, proposals, and documentation, can be found in one really well crafted RFC.

Jan. 11, 2025

Cloudflare tunnel for IPv6 only connectivity

Cloudflare offers a powerful tunneling service that allows for a host on a private network to expose a service but retain protection using cloudflares’ powerful CDN tools. At the time of this post that service is a legacy IP first service, but with one minor tweak it can operate with IPv6-only hosts. Meaning one can provision an IPv6-only host, but provide a dual stacked service. If that sounds powerful, that’s because it is.

Jan. 3, 2025

Building a host telemetry solution using Tailscale

An often overlooked dimension of data collection is flow data from hosts. This is not a new concept, there have been tools built for this for a very long time, but in many cases, and especially over the last 8-10 years, many system engineers have gravitated toward tooling like grafana and prometheus. While these are fine tools and if done well provide an excellent view of host health, they aren’t really a full picture of host behavior.

Dec. 21, 2024

Developing and publishing a new IPv6 documentation prefix

One of the reasons for lack of blog post publishing is that my attention has been focused fairly heavily on working within the IETF. Toward the beginning of the COVID pandemic, the US Government published a new initiative - M-21-07, which requires the migration of all federally owned systems to IPv6-only. What does “IPv6-only” mean, you may ask. Well, that’s kinda nebulous. People define it in varying levels of extremism, I’ve chosen to define it as “a device that can operate without the use of IPv4 configured”.

Jul. 14, 2023

PODCAST: MODEM.show, DHCP option 108

Over the last year there has been a slow hum, quietly building around the notion of building what has been called an “IPv6-mostly” network. What does this term mean? How do we do it? Why bother? Well, let me attempt to answer those questions. First, what is IPv6-mostly? Thankfully, it is pretty much what it sounds like - a network segment (i.e. a LAN segment) that is mostly IPv6, and only legacy IPv4 where it has to be.

Nov. 4, 2022

The mess of IPv6 Unique Local Addressing

IPv6 unique local addressing has been a popular topic over the years. From its humble beginnings, replacing site-local, to the surge of interest within service providers, enterprise, and casual users due to the wealth of content now available on IPv6 and the prevalence of availability within major consumer ISPs, it has become quite a polarizing topic in the technical communities that are diving head first into the modern, current networking protocol - IPv6.

Mar. 31, 2019

Soap Box: Mikrotik; "IPv6 Apocalypse", or maybe not.

Over the last few days there has been a huge amount of FUD and panic surrounding two as-yet-to-be-published CVEs (found here and here) related to Mikrotik’s IPv6 implementation.It is my opinion that this entire process has been poorly handled, and that the community involved tends to be fairly sensitive to issues such as, and the cloak and dagger nature of the two issues has only exacerbated it. Mikrotik, as a company, is well known for being terse in their responses and tight lipped with their internal workings and dealings with these kinds of issues.

Sep. 1, 2018

As a small to medium ISP, why you should deploy IPv6

IPv6 has been a crusade of mine for well over a decade. Wether it is teaching IPv6 workshops, offering advice to new users, answering questions, or evangelizing it ad nauseam, it is an important topic to me. The ISP world holds a special place in my heart since a good deal of my early experience came from building or assisting regional ISPs. Recently I had a fun opportunity to talk about deploying IPv6 on The Brothers WISP podcast.