Back in January of 2016 a vain attempt was made to do a networking podcast called “non-blocking”. One episode was recorded - an informative conversation with Peter Phaal of sFlow / inMon. It was really fun to do, and was met as a reasonable freshman endeavor. In the making, however, there were a few thing that were made painfully obvious:
Scheduling a podcast is difficult. Getting the right people available at the same time is often a herculean endeavor in and of itself.
Content creation is not terribly hard, coming from a visual art and moderately literary background this was something I already knew. Good content creation is significantly harder. I knew this, too, but not as well as I thought I did.
Audio mastering is an art form and complex skill set in and of itself. Again, falling back on my art background and video editing work was helpful, but learning the software was a significant task and a huge amount of things had changed since I really did any of it with any care since the mid 1990s. A great deal has change.
Attempting to execute the ambitious plan of a networking podcast (non-blocking) and a security focused podcast (default deny) largely by myself stumbled and fell before it ever really got going. One episode was made and it ended. Over the years since, I have been lucky enough to have been able to be a guest on other great podcasts, and I was somehow fortunate enough to be invited as a co-host of the Software Gone Wild Podcast with Ivan Pepelnjak along with a stacked roster of other incredibly smart and articulate folks. With Ivan stepping back for a while (he’s certainly earned the rest), I had some time to think about what to do since, and I thoroughly enjoyed participating in SGW, it seemed like a logical step to maybe spin out something of my own - and more importantly, make it something unique to carry that torch.
There are a list of fantastic networking podcasts to choose from, Packet Pushers has a full on, comprehensive network of technical goodness, Network Collective offers a fantastic view with an always informative array of topics and guests (as well as absolutely amazing production quality), The Brothers WISP hits on a very wide scope of technical topics and real-world networking, automation, and IT topics shepherded by the velvet tones of Greg Sowell. Russ White has his podcast called The Hedge that explores a wide swath of history, technical, and . What is left? Well, drawing on the foundations and cornerstone of my own career, we have the fringe, the edge cases, the bleeding edges, and the esoteric - most of which more-or-less requires a fairly deep understanding of the landscape and protocols in order to bend them in the ways necessary to do what is needed.
And maybe….a bit of the carrier and ISP last mile space. Perhaps taking apart the little things? Teasing out the details…..really, a lot of what we did on SGW.
It was decided - A few of us would create something we are calling the MODEM Podcast. Time will tell how far we drive this bus, but so far the topics have been interesting and the “making of” has been fun, and that’s the goal. This podcast is available at all of the places one would expect to find podcasts, and streamable directly from the site. We have a Twitter feed as well.