Jan. 17, 2020
VPNs are a critically useful tool for gaining access to resources that cannot be exposed to the public internet for many different reasons, either policy or technical. VPNs can, however, be painful to install, difficult to troubleshoot, and in many cases (e.g. one time triage, single use instances) complete overkill. Providing encrypted access to this gooey center has never been easier, though, through the power of ease of sshuttle. sshuttle has some very usable capabilities.
Jul. 29, 2019
Small to medium ISPs are an interesting phenomenon. Early in my career I was pretty heavily involved in that space, so much of my current thought processes and methodologies are heavily informed by that experience. Something that never ceases to amaze me today is that the practice of scripting and “automating” things seems to have become somewhat of a lost art, or at the very least it is not part of an initial deployment plan.
Apr. 29, 2019
There is no shortage of network telemetry data that can be collected, recorded, graphed, and stored for cross reference and triage. Not one to be underestimated, latency at a can be incredibly powerful when leveraged for baseline and deviation notification. As I have eluded to in the past, there are many tools in this space.I have written about a few of them in detail and touched on others in passing. Regardless of the tool, the data is powerful and the instrumentation they provide will only serve to make your network more robust and easier to work on.
Oct. 3, 2017
Configuration management is a critical part of successfully and efficiently run any network. From the early days of networking there have been options for doing configuration backup. Several projects have been around for literally decades, enabling the backup of a myriad of critical network devices and providing historical archives. Many of these projects and platforms require a reasonable amount of unix experience and perhaps some development skills. I’m going to give a quick synopsis of my three favorites, these a all very different in execution but provide the same types of services - configuration backup, diff, and archive (and not much else).
Jun. 14, 2017
Anyone that looks at this site with any regularity may have noticed that I have been pretty remiss in adding posts - for that I apologize, things have been busy. However, I have not been absent in the tech world…quite the opposite, in fact. I’ve been spending more and more time on podcasts and other forms of tech media which I have not provided links for here. So, to help expose that, here are a few of the other media resources I’ve been popping up in.
Mar. 20, 2017
In the last few years I have moved all of my virtualization to proxmox and docker. Seeing as I like to look at packets because I am a closet security guy, and being as I have been working off-and-on on a security project in recent times, I wanted to be able to span a port not only from a hardware switch, but also within my software switches. I had been using linux bridge, which I am not a fan of, so when I started down this path I did not look hard to find a way to do so under that platform.
Feb. 27, 2016
The sixth [and arguably very overdue] installment of my NIX4NetEng series, this began as an overly complex diatribe about DNS. As it evolved, I realized that DNS is so complex and far reaching that it could never be contained in one meager post. DNS is a powerful tool. It has existed for so long that many that have never had the responsibility of running an authoritative or recursive resolver may take for granted the extensive reach of a tool so engrained in the fabric of the internet that it is frequently overlooked, much like a utility such as electricity or running water.
Dec. 21, 2014
Sometimes in networking and security it becomes necessary to do lookups of location data on IP addresses and prefixes. On my Mac I use homebrew to manage packages, but most of these tools are available with thetypocal apt, yum and port package management systems. For this post, I’m going to shift gears and show the install on my mac: sliver:~ buraglio$ brew install geoip ==> Downloading https://downloads.sf.net/project/machomebrew/Bottles/geoip-1.6.3.mavericks.bottle.tar.gz ######################################################################## 100.0% ==> Pouring geoip-1.
Oct. 15, 2014
With the recent release of the POODLE SSLv3 vulnerability, folks are scrambling around trying to figure out what runs what and where. Running a handful of things that do SSL, I was obligated, both personally and professionally, to figure out an easy way to drill down and figure out what does what and then fix the vulnerable services. When there are a lot of devices, this can seem like a daunting task, and it is if you’re trying to do it manually.
Jul. 26, 2014
IP addressing and subnetting is a common interview subject. I assert that memorizing these things is useful for learning the concepts but ultimately futile in that it is time consuming and inefficient use of engineering time when tools can be utilized to accomplish the same goals in less time with fewer errors. Honestly, I gave up doing this kind of work manually around 10 years ago and have never regretted it, and in actuality, I’d probably struggle to do it at this point because it’s a repetitive process better suited by code.
Jun. 7, 2014
I don’t care what your vendor alignment of choice is, Cisco, Juniper, Brocade, Alcatel….it doesn’t matter. At one point or another you’re going to need to bird dog an address to see where it’s coming from, who owns it, what it’s DNS name is or what path you’re taking to get to it. We’ve already talked about BGP tools, they’re a great choice for checking routes across the internet. Hunting down addresses is an interesting one, though, as address management and lookups can bleed into other aspects of networking like path selection, latency, jitter and many other things.
Apr. 30, 2014
Many network engineers are also tasked with maintaining systems that provide network services, those things that make the network easier to use such as DNS and DHCP or management systems that perform useful things like monitor the network, collect flow data or bestow access to the equipment by acting as bastion or jump hosts. In many instances, robust and high availability services run on UNIX, Linux or BSD systems for stability and reliability, so those that manage these systems need to be well versed system admins as well as whatever their other job functions are.